Isabelle Estournet-Djehizian

I was born in 1962 in Marseille to an Armenian mother and a father from the Pyrenees. Since childhood, I have loved books, music, and drawing.

I want to tell you that it is never too late to be free.

For many years, I was a businesswoman, but after the deaths of my older brother—almost my twin—and then my mother, I fell apart.

Coming back from the abyss, an instinct awakened in me: the one that tells you that there is no more time to waste, that you can no longer pretend, that your life rings hollow.

I became aware of my own prisons, moved forward, stumbled, and sought meaning. I began to uncover my hidden Armenian origins, my history. I dared to express what I felt, and little by little, I found my voice through words: I wrote my first book as if diving headfirst into life.

Thanks to my partner, my loyal readers, and the wonderful encounters that now mark my journey, I have chosen to do only one thing: to write and share the powerful tool that is the Word.

Today, after publishing a trilogy—Momig, la petite bougie (2014), Le ventre et la plume (2015), and Que ma voix demeure (2017), which gave rise to a play—I have just completed my first novel, Dans les harpes du vent.

My greatest joy? It’s when someone tells me that my writing touched them and helped them find the strength to set out on their own journey.

You can also find me:

on my blog:

on the Momig Facebook page:

and discover my books: