Florence Bibollet

Born in 1967, I discovered yoga at the age of 35. Sitting on my mat, I immediately felt a deep connection with the idea of staying still and silent. For me, it was a radical act and, in some ways, a sacred one. This marked the beginning of a long journey to get to know myself.

I quickly began my first Viniyoga training in 2004 and started offering group classes for everyone in 2007. Later, I earned a diploma from the Institute of Yoga Therapy and further trained in Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. I also organize individual sessions and various workshops.

My role is simply to help people embrace themselves, focusing on gentleness and rest—qualities that have almost become a luxury in today’s hectic world.

In parallel, I teach French to foreigners, which enriches me through exposure to other cultures.

Continuously seeking to better understand what health truly means, I take a keen interest in the benefits of integrative medicine. I am active in an association that supports cancer patients by promoting a metabolic approach to this condition.

Email: bibolletflorence@gmail.com
Facebook: Alpesyogatherapie